Welcome to Ramble Folk...
I’ve been trying to write this ‘about me’ section for at least 3 weeks now. It’s been 5000 words long and 4.5 words long and everything in between, because I am freaking terrible at selling myself! So... I’m not doing that.
I’m not going to recount my fashion designer background, diploma, travelling the world, working for bridal designers in the UK, Australian Gown of the Year runner upping past, because that was a bazillion years ago! I’m not going to tell you that I have a day job that I love, working with the most awesome group of people, because they may get ahead of themselves and think they no longer have to work for my love.
What I will tell you is that I registered my business name for Ramble Folk in January 2020 when our country was literally on fire, because I desperately wanted to help. Because I wanted to plant trees. Because I wanted to be able to give more than my regular $50 monthly donation to Greening Australia. Because I needed to feel that I was doing more than just re-tweeting AOC and Bernie Sanders, and posting inflammatory political posts on Facebook (sorry Dad ;) and because I dragged my kids (willingly) out of school on September 20th 2019 to attend the Global School Strike for Climate and have never felt more inspired to do something in my life.
Now, obviously a lot happened immediately after January 2020, covid came and things got very weird, so I was more concerned with the fact that I may have to replace toilet paper with newspaper, and how damaged my kids would be after months of me being their teacher, than I was with starting a business, but I made it back! I picked it back up at the end of 2020, and my business plan/idea had changed quite dramatically by then. Life felt a bit more fragile. Our environment a bit more at risk. Our ability to rely on other countries for our basic needs a bit less certain. Ramble Folk became 100% made in Australia and it became more about re-using what we already have than buying more things we don't need!
Also, I have this goal...dream, and a really cool chick once told me that leaving it unfulfilled was making my heart sick (it’s a whole thing, hope deferred, tree of life, etc). I’ve wanted to design my own clothing label since I was 17 years old. That dream has since morphed into wanting to design a sustainable, slow fashion clothing line, ethically made in Australia, but let’s not get tied up in the details. Ramble Folk is that label. Thanks for coming on the journey with me!
Bel xx